Everybody at Chain Joes is a long-term gamer

5 min readJan 11, 2023


The finish of the dim periods of gaming is here, and what’s in store is splendid! Around here at Chain Joes we’re preparing to set the gaming scene ablaze with our Isometric Activity Shooter coming soon to web3. Joined by an affection for gaming and everything Web3, we’re planning to handle the difficulties related with blockchain gaming to make a superior encounter for every one of our players. We’ve focused on turning into the heads of the portable gaming market for isometric activity shooters, and we have an arrangement to get it going.

It’s with incredible joy that we declare our game undertaking, Chain Joes.

We are expanding on Solana not set in stone to bring one of the most amazing web3 games to gamers and NFT devotees all over!

Before very long, we will uncover more data about our venture and our image, yet for the present, we might want to share a piece of our way of thinking that prompted the production of this undertaking.


Our vision at Chain Joe’s is to lay out a Play-AND-Procure biological system with top of the line ongoing interaction being the concentration, so gamers need to return endlessly time once more.

We would rather not form a gamified monetary instrument. There are a lot of those generally available, and most are profoundly imperfect.

They offer very little to the gamer and miss the mark on profundity expected to make a drawing in and vivid experience. In that capacity, a large portion of these “procure first games” have a high turnover of players and temperamental economies.

By putting the player’s experience first, Chain Joes will be a game group need to get back to so they can investigate, partake in PVP and PVE occasions, create and redo their personality and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Everybody at Chain Joes is a long-term gamer. We understand what makes a decent game, and we understand what gamers need. The group grew up during the blast of the gaming business and turned out to be genuine nerds who value intriguing games.

Chain Joes is centered around the things that truly make a difference to gamers, including:

Testing and compensating PVP and PVE content.
Rich legend and fascinating origin stories.
A scope of strong and exceptional weapons.
Individual expertise trees and character improvement.
Invigorating and insightful foes.
Amazing chances to procure and win rewards.
Also, substantially more.
By putting the gamer first, we’ll construct areas of strength for a developing local area that will prompt a steady economy.

Sharing Our Vision

Our vision and guide for Chain Joes are clear.

6 standards support all we do at Chain Joes to guarantee we keep focused and convey the quality and pleasure our future gamers merit.

We’ve covered a portion of these as of now, however we can go somewhat more profound.

1. Our Play-And-Acquire model puts gaming first

We need to return the emphasis on giving genuine, quality gaming diversion first, which prompts an economical, open game economy with life span that individuals really need to get back to.

2. We need to be comprehensive, with free admittance to play

Numerous players need to mess around while procuring, yet a significant constraint of existing NFT games is their high passage hindrance.

By making the game allowed to play, we will urge more clients to join and play, prompting a superior game, a more charming encounter, and a more grounded economy.

3. We’re centered around the nature of ongoing interaction and mechanics

Great ongoing interaction not entirely set in stone by the mechanics, which ought to charm the gamer and make them need to spend something like 20–30 minutes daily playing.

Chain Joes isn’t a gamified monetary instrument. We are building a genuine very good quality AAA game that gamers will cherish.

4. We’re centered around the long haul

As the P&E market is in its beginning phases of improvement, we’re not hoping to sell a 10k NFT assortment.

We plan to offer an “Underlying fight bundle” for early allies and free admittance to the game.

There will be selective NFT character and weapon packs, as well as exp helps for early allies, which will support the players’ advancement at the underlying stage, however not unjustifiably.

5. Simple access for non-crypto players

Since NFT is a moderately new innovation, numerous gamers are new to it, so they experience issues joining.

NFTs add new layers of ongoing interaction and profundity to videogames, however most ventures disregard the way that individuals could find them excessively specialized and challenging to utilize.

We need to change that by offering bit by bit direction to invite new players into the game so they can consider going all in web3.

6. We maintain that individuals should have a good time!

Why in having a game that isn’t enjoyable to play? Collectively of in-your-face gamers, we love gaming and we need to convey a mind boggling experience individuals will cherish such a lot of they’ll bring their companions along as well.

Come And Go along with Us At Chain Joes
Our group of 50+ individuals, with blue-chip game turn of events, business activities, and master promoting experience, are the genuine article.

We know who the genuine adversaries of Web3 are which is the reason you can battle the Con artists, Programmers, and Spammers together in our tomfoolery and testing PVE games.

Assuming you are searching for:

An insightful game world
Characters with an interesting story and excellent perception
Allowed to-play mechanics
NFT components
Amusement at the center
References to cryptothematics
What’s more, countless gaming peculiarities from an earlier time…
Chain Joes is the best spot for you.

Join our energizing, developing and flourishing local area today and figure out how you can engage in the genuine fate of gaming

More information

Official website: https://chainjoes.com/

Telegram group: https://t.me/chainjoes

Twitter: https://twitter.com/chainjoes

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chainjoes

Medium: https://chainjoes.medium.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/chainjoes

Sale strategy: https://chainjoes.com/pdfs/Sale_Strategy.pdf

Whitepaper: https://chainjoes.com/pdfs/Whitepaper.pdf

Bitcointalk Username: bosstm

BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2852835

bsc address: 0x5969De4198289eA46f67C13815fe0f0486BF2D22

